I have a pretty big imagination and I’m constantly thinking of something new to create. I feed off everything from Social media, Digital Media , different cultures , movies , t.v lets just say ideas are everywhere. Sometimes when I have an idea I do a sketch. There is also times when I just sit down with the idea and turn out a final product. I tend to have a terrible memory, so some of my ideas can get lost if I don’t finish them off quickly. Maybe I should write things down… lol.
You get the very cool art of Alexander Ruiz /Lex Photography , a digital artist who knows a thing or two about creativity and getting to the heart of what people love. Since majoring in Digital Media Arts I started to see the world differently from that point on, using my surroundings as inspiration and appreciating the little things in life. Alexander Ruiz has a lot going on! Here are some quick links to my various projects. Take a look around and don't be shy..http://500px.com/LexPhotography
https://www.facebook.com /FittedToMatchSociety
Lately many peoples have been asking me where I get all of my ideas. The answers are…at my life. I am blessed with mind that have curiosity to everything and lovely imagination. Most of my designs and photos just live their own lives