If you’re an active photographer on social network, then i know you would have heard about 500PX by now – This is a really and i mean really kool photo sharing site that’s been gaining a lot of momentum in the past few weeks , and with today's all out social sites, this is another one of many that will be popular for a few weeks and years to come :) I've recently joined and enjoy the great shots I get to view by other photographer such as my self. The main focus of this site is photographers and photography, Although uploads are unlimited for a payment plan of just 50 bucks a year. I would rather not post photos of family or travel shots but then again its allowed on this site. Your images will be able to also get a copyright ,so there for no one can actually steal your work. You Only Want To Post Your Best Photos

Unlike so many "photo sharing" sites today, 500px doesn't require you to give away your photos in order to upload them. They do require the right to use your photos for publicity purposes and the right to share your images with others for non-commercial purposes ~LexPhotography I'm actually going to start selling my photos through 500px. I think it will go well as in the past I've had people who were interested in my work.
Drop Ship Selling
500px includes the option of selling your prints through foto via a commission system. This is so great because this place is so anti-FLICKER- because it actually allows you to SELL all your photos (at prices you set) directly from the site as well as display them much larger in a professional manner. They also scale your photos before uploading so don't worry about it! LoL
500px is about building your portfolio and comparing it against other photographers' portfolios( But please don't let it get to your head now lol), It is not like an online marketplace and wont support the creation of events and galleries. I noticed that this site is more about getting your photos viewed by thousands and even more over the web, with recommendations and ranking. People visit 500PX site to see photos and discover new things, SO TRY NOT TO JUST POST SILLY DAY TO DAY PHOTOS! as you would want people to take you serious!.
Ultimately I think this 500PX site is really great because look. .. .you post a few "best of" pics on 500px and use that to direct those interested in buying your photos right to your site: