Hilarious !! Even freaking amusing how our high tech way of living has gotten us to where we are today.
Steve Jobs or
Bill Gates ( MACS or PC'S ) Which one do you prefer? Well I guess it all depends on the person... :) I had the chance to sit and chat with my professor and discuss a movie we watched in class called ''Pirates Of Silicon Vally" which i enjoyed to the very end. Movies like these could never be over-kill.
The Discussion. The professor asked me what i thought of the movie: Professor
,by the way what you think of that pirates of silicon valley movie?
- Alex Ruiz
- I think be gates has his way of Plagiarism then alters a few things to make it his own
- lol
- but it was a good film
- Alex Ruiz
- In a way wrong... For using someone else ideas then converting them into to his
- but then again is that not what we all do to a certain degree
- we feed off each others ideas
- Franco Sabio Jr
- but theres no law against that.....it wasn't an exact copy either. unfortunately that's business, isnt it?
- Alex Ruiz
- I just wish that Steve Jobs were a lil more humble
- Then again with all that money and power is that possible ?
- Is there any other great movies like that one will be viewing in the near future ?
- Franco Sabio Jr
- well theres a couple that I used to teach but it became overkill, but to me they were interesting.
- watch the youtube videos of steve jobs and bill gates being interviewed together.
- entertainment at it's best.
- Alex Ruiz
- lol
- kool will do, those guys were like rams at it (Head to Head)
- Franco Sabio Jr
- yea....they were subdued in the interviews but they threw a few jabs at each other.
- Alex Ruiz
- Who do you think you would give the credit to bill or steve
- Franco Sabio Jr
- bill gates is genius in his business model, but you lose control of the quality of your product when licensing.. Jobs had the right idea....build both hardware and software and you'll always have a better product.
- Franco Sabio Jr
- but Gates didn't care because the price war and competition didn't include him.....no matter which hardware manufacturer you choose, the operating system would still be windows..... the end. Thanks professor that was interesting info. We will miss Steve Jobs ! There is a lot of stuff floating around the net about Steve like this picture below I've posted here which touched a lot of hearts!
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